I am 65 years old and I am grateful that through my friend, Miss R Lim, I got to know about Singapore Heart Foundation’s Heart Wellness Programme. I finally signed up for the programme on March 1, 2017. It has been a year and a half and I am still going to the Heart Wellness Centre!
I have always been generally healthy and active but, two years ago, I was diagnosed with borderline diabetes and put on 1 dose of metformin 500mg per day. Last year, this dosage was increased to 2 doses of metformin 500mg (I now take one in the morning and one at night). I also had a mild stroke more than 10 years ago and I am on medication for hypertension as well as cholesterol on top of diabetes.
As I am still working part-time, I can only join the Heart Wellness Centre’s Saturday 10:30am session at Fortune Centre. The 1.5-hour work-out session guided by a Senior Physiotherapist includes cardio exercise and strength training and it has been helpful to me. I now feel more energetic and less tired. Occasionally, I may go for an extra session on a Thursday evening. On top of exercising at the Heart Wellness Centre, I have also been attending a 45-minute stretching workout at the HDB playground nearby every weekday morning at 6am.